1 Year Post-Concussion
I cannot believe it's been a year already since my car accident. Boy, have I got many things to reflect on. I've had 2 hospitalizations, 6 months of speech and physical therapy, ongoing vision therapy 8 months and counting. I am still not back at work and I have had to put my house up for sale. Through all of the obstacles and challenges, I am growing stronger from the inside out. This injury has taught me to spend my time wisely, since I max out so easily due to fatigue. I have learned to be less tolerant of foolishness and allowing others to drain me like I used to prior to the injury. I've also learned a powerful lesson summed up in one word: PATIENCE. The bible says to "let patience have her perfect work" (James 4:1a). She has worked me this entire year, but I thank her dearly for it. Sometimes I just want to get away from the entire process. Get on a ship and go sailing off to some beautiful place where it's about ...