
I never suffered debilitating headaches before I was in my car accident August 29, 2015.  Headaches have been a regular nuance for me ever since I was diagnosed with a concussion.  I experience them sometimes 3-4 times  a week.  I've even figured out the patterns, what triggers them, and what helps to get rid of them.  A dear friend of mine posted this migraine article with a simulated video by the Huffington Post.  I had to place this on my blog. Until I experienced a migraine, I had no idea the misery sufferers were going through.  When I get them, I feel like my whole body just wants to shut down.  I run to my cave (bedroom) where my blackout curtains shield me from any glimmer of sunlight.

I cannot wait for the day I can report I am no longer experiencing such debilitating headaches.  I trust God is hearing my prayers.  I know he is fully able to do more than I could ever ask or think.

Emotional Video Shows People Experiencing Migraines For The First Time — In Virtual Reality


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