When Sleep Doesn't Happen

Hello everyone.  Today has been a tad bit rough.  Why?  I have only had about 2 hours of sleep. Before my concussion, it seemed as if I couldn't get enough sleep.  This is the most aggravating aspect of my brain injury.  The brain needs a lot of rest to heal.  So, when sleep doesn't happen, this is what actually does happen to me:

As funny as these memes are, I don't play around with my sleep.  I'm trying to figure out the reasons why I am so off track with my sleeping patterns.  Could it be from something I ate, or the neck injury that has resurfaced?  I had a good two months free of tightened neck muscles and nerve pain but that has returned and I am finding myself waking up all kinds of times of the night with pain and stiffness.  

I am so over this traumatic brain injury.  I know I am blessed to be well informed due to my profession, but with matters of the brain, nothing is exactly textbook.  My doctors have given me information on practicing good sleep hygiene which includes going to bed at the same time each night, no television or computer devices at least 30 minutes prior to sleep.  I was also told not to get out of bed if I awaken in the middle of the night. So I try to follow these tips and usually I do fall back to sleep.  NOTHING worked last night.  I even took magnesium and I'm shocked it didn't work either.  I didn't select using muscle relaxers because they just don't help me and they have nasty side effects.  So sleep didn't happen, and now I'm completely off my rocker for sure.   


  1. It is terrible when you can't sleep. I used to get a feeling as if my brain was fizzing, like it was short-circuiting. Very unpleasant! Amitriptyline helped me. I still take it now. But the days when sleep wouldn't come were like some sort of torture! It has improved for me over time. I hope it does for you x

    1. Julia, I miss sleeping soundly all night the most. I get tired of being tired from not resting well. For instance, today it's beautiful outdoors, but I'm too tired to even enjoy it. I was in bed well over 10 hours, but I still didn't get enough rest. I've never tried Amitriptyline but I will look into it. Thanks for sharing with me what helps you.


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